THE joy of ageing, esoterically
How do we feel about ageing? Is there another way to age other than what is currently shown to us? The contributors to the book The Joy of Ageing, Esoterically and this website have found there is. They are letting go of the commonly held perceptions around ageing and discovering purpose and joy in their elder years, which they share with you in their stories. Let's celebrate the elders amongst us for their wisdom and lived experience.
The word Esoteric '. . . is about unfolding back to that which we already are
and never is it about being or becoming something we are not, and therefore, it is never what we cannot naturally be.'
~ Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations (p.30)
and never is it about being or becoming something we are not, and therefore, it is never what we cannot naturally be.'
~ Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations (p.30)
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The Joy of Ageing, Esoterically book is a collection of stories from people in the age-brackets of 50, 60, 70 and 80, reflecting on their journey through life and the changes they have made. They share with readers how they have found a deeper meaning and purpose to how they live, and how this has brought harmony, joy, appreciation and acceptance of what the journey of ageing offers us.
“As we age gracefully our beauty grows stronger from within our body; it emanates from the grace and wisdom we are as we accept and celebrate our elder years. This is the beauty of surrendering to the inner wisdom, as within the living of each day lies the opportunity for greater love and wisdom to be known.” ~ Jenny |
All written content copyright © 2022 Joy of Ageing Esoterically Pty Ltd and all Authors as mentioned.
Photos copyright © by the photographers: Alan Johnston, Clayton Lloyd, Dean Whitling, Desiree Delaloye, Iris Pohl, Steffi Henn, Steve Leca ,
Shannon Everest, Matt Paul, Gayle Cue
Photos copyright © by the photographers: Alan Johnston, Clayton Lloyd, Dean Whitling, Desiree Delaloye, Iris Pohl, Steffi Henn, Steve Leca ,
Shannon Everest, Matt Paul, Gayle Cue